Another in my Beach Series with a clutch of defeated trees still standing on the edge of the dunes at Formby – but not for much longer.

I was going to include this in an exhibition next month. It is on a pastel paper I have just started using. This paper is slightly bigger than my old support and having maximised the image to the paper I am finding that it’s looking a bit cramped when I place the painting in one of my standard mounts.

I’m feeling a bit like the trees – hemmed in with my options limited. But I think the painting is worth a showing, nonetheless.

Other beach scenes are available for sale on my website: grahammcquadefineart.com


  1. Hi Graham, i love this little snapshot of the sea, seen through the dunes. And the trees add solidity to the image. A lovely painting. (The trees, will the erosion of the dunes see them disappear? Are these dunes being taken by the sea or is it something else?)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Ashley. I think this is just coastal erosion which has been happening at about 3m/year. This is after coastal accretion in the 18th and early 19th centuries – so it seems to be a backwards and forwards process, but with icecap melting it may be one-way for a considerable time into the future.
      The trees then seem to become more and more exposed, though they may slow the erosion of the sands.

      Liked by 1 person

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