
I was browsing on Google and happened upon a forest scene which caught my eye. I found it was by an American Artist called Nita Engle. I liked her style and discovered a book by her called  ‘How to Make a Watercolor Paint Itself.’ I thought I’m up for that: while it’s painting itself I can go for a cup of tea, come back and it’s ready to frame. The book was very cheap and now having read it I realise that I use a lot of her techniques already, but not in a coherent way. It was also inspiring to see the reasons and philosophy behind her approach.

So now I am applying some of her approaches myself in these two paintings, which I have painted before and the forest one I have posted earlier on this blog. Its interesting to see the textures possible when not using a brush for application, but taking other approaches. However, it is a bit heart in the mouth stuff, but certainly worth a try and I am trying some more at the present.P1140739(1)

I’ll post them in due course, but just having sold a few pastels I need to replace them on my website. It’s just like being back at work.

Other landscapes are available on my website:



  1. Your post made me laugh this morning, thanks! Your top painting to me is just aces. Love the contrast of hard and soft areas and the fine texture of the grasses, just perfect. And of course, always the light shining into and through, for me is what makes your paintings so memorable. Thanks, Graham. Have a great week.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love the top painting. So many fine little details in contrast to the overall softness of the scene. And what a great post! If only paintings would paint themselves. I could get so many other things done.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love Nita Engle’s work….I didn’t realize that she has a book, I’ll have to look into getting it. Nicely done…..I can’t decide which is my favorite, love the sunlight coming through on the first, the second just because I love the woods, I am a tree person. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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